Project title: Use Your Strengths!
Project number: NPAD-2019/10140
Project period: 08/2019 - 12/2020
Budget: EUR 30 825,00
The objectives of the project:
1) partner organisations to acquire international experience and take over good practices for the
planning of adult learning content, based on key competences in lifelong learning,
2) to promote the efficient development of project member organisations by increasing the professional
competencies of the management of institutions, teachers and support personnel;
3) to build on the next phase of the project - the development of new, innovative, ICT-based and
learnable education programmes for adults.
Expected results
The organisations will be able to
- More efficient adult education through ICT tools and approaches
- motivate adults to engage in non-formal education programmes
- working with diverse adult groups, such as migrants, people with limited opportunities, etc.
- to use and adapt the good practices and experience of partner organisations in their day-to-day work.
Project coordinators:
Valmieras Gaujas krasta Secondary School – Development Centre, Leona Paegles street 5, Valmiera, LV 4201, e-mail [email protected], www.vgv.lv
Contact person of project: Daiga Ramata, Valmieras Gaujas krastaSecondary School – Development Centre, Leona Paegles street 5, Valmiera; e-mail [email protected]
Project partners:
Lithuania: Psichosocialines ir darbo integracijos centras (LT) Centre for Psichosocial and Labour Integration Šilo g. 24, LT-04116 Vilnius http://www.pdic.lt Kontaktpersona Rūta Mackanienė [email protected]
Sweden: Folkuniversitetet Kristianstad Folkuniversitetet Föreningsgatan 1, 291 33 Kristianstad, Sweden Växel 044 – 20 76 40 www.folkuniversitetet.se Contact person: Ingmarie Rohdin [email protected]
Finland: Engineers Without Borders – Finland Tahtisadeaukio 2 A 12 , 00930, Helsinki [email protected]i Contact person: Sumita Sahu, [email protected]